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My Current Productivity System

A productivity system is based upon the idea that one must come up with systematic processes and tools that automate information retrieval, tasks, and communication to decrease cognitive load and increase productivity.

The reason for the “current” title is because one’s projects and areas in life change throughout time which might require a revision of one’s systems and methodologies.

Currently, I am a data scientist, partner, and cyclist. These are the systems that currently work for me.

I have four main tools. Todoist which I consider the center of my daily life handling all of my task management. I split my Todoist into two areas, professional and personal then splitting those segments into projects or areas of responsibility. I use Roam Research for note-taking and journaling. Also, I use Outlook for email, both personal and work, in addition to my calendar. Finally, for articles I use Pocket to save articles I find interesting throughout the week, often batch reading them on Saturday or Sunday.

I follow a couple of productivity methodologies and practices that add value to my life. First, I practice inbox zero. If an email takes less than 5 minutes to respond, I will respond on the spot, if not it is either archived or put into my Todoist as a task for the appropriate response time, often batching emails. Second is the daily check-in, at the start of each day I review my Todoist tasks and ask myself “what do I have to do today?” and “Is there anything I have forgotten to put in my Todoist?”. Then I often organize these tasks using the Eisenhower Matrix and get to work. I find it’s a simple and quick way to consistently be productive daily. The second process I follow is Tiago Forte’s Weekly Review. On Sunday’s I will review and organize my email, calendar, desktop/downloads, notes, tasks, and projects in that order. If any action item is needed during any of these steps I make sure to put it in my Todoist. I also follow a quarterly OKRs process. Personally, I’ve had little success with a quarterly cadence and am debating trying out a monthly cadence instead.

Further Reading